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Number of Shots: 1/5

Duration: N/A

Noise level: Medium

Effect Type: Red/Green/Blue/Yellow/Silver Peony.

Tube Size: N/A

Category: F2

Safety Distance: 8m

N.E.C: 75g


Please take a look at the product video to see it in action!


Prepare for a sensational display of colors and excitement with Challenger, a pack of five rockets that promises to deliver a mesmerizing and thrilling experience. Each rocket in this pack is designed to light up the sky with a vivid explosion of red, green, blue, yellow, and silver peony effects, creating a dazzling spectacle that will leave you and your spectators in awe.


The Challenger pack contains five good-sized rockets, ensuring that you have plenty of opportunities to enjoy the vibrant hues and thrilling effects it offers. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or just looking to add some extra flair to your fireworks show, these rockets are the perfect choice.


Don't miss out on the chance to elevate your fireworks display with the brilliant colors and excitement of Challenger. Order this pack of five rockets now and get ready for a spectacular show that will leave a lasting impression.


£14.00 Regular Price
£9.99Sale Price
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